Reflections about data sharing in the healthcare sector

Actors from different sectors, backgrounds and involvement with the acquisition, access and management of health data met in Berlin in the context of the MPNE 2024 Consensus in the framework of the iToBoS project.

Patient advocates, physicians, scientists, researchers, IT experts, innovation managers and consultants from different countries shared work and insights and discussed data models, AI challenges and data-dependent business models.

Access, use and sharing of data is a key point for research in the fight against cancer. Without any doubt, the sooner the diagnosis is made, the better the ability to find a solution. And to analyse each case and get an accurate and applicable diagnosis, patient data is needed, considering a wide range of information. Challenging new technologies have arrived in the healthcare sector, offering new data models for research and business, and we have to find their best fit in society. Due to the GDPR, any type of data use is ultimately dependent on the end user's agreement, so your privacy is guaranteed.