Streamlining Operations: isahit's Management in iToBoS Project

The iToBoS project is a demonstration of collaborative efforts, where multiple partners combine their specialized knowledge towards a common objective.

In the iToBoS project, in the context of Work Package 6, several partners collaborate closely: V7 supplies the imaging labeling tool, the Universities of Girona and Queensland are offering clinicians the opportunity to evaluate tasks and examine labeled images, Sztaki manages import, transfer and cloud services, while isahit is responsible for the essential task of labeling image data. Isahit, by being the expert in annotating data, ensures that labeled images are seamlessly integrated into the project's main objectives.

Effective Communication and Progress Tracking in a Collaborative Project

An effective communication and regular progress tracking are fundamental to the success of this iToBos collaborative project.

Isahit leads a facilitated and seamless interaction among project partners, ensuring that every entity remains informed and engaged on the different steps of the project. Weekly calls and interviews provide a platform for updates and discussions, while online shared files allow for real-time tracking of progress.

Furthermore, participation in general assemblies with the consortium enables us to share insights and milestones, bringing up a cohesive approach towards project objectives.

Technical Tools for Advancement

In this data labeling world, isahit uses different tools to make data annotation and project management better, especially in the iToBoS project. V7 serves as the primary labeling tool. Thanks to that, Isahit did not have to develop specific features on its proprietary tool, as it relies on the capabilities of the V7 tool.

However we used our own platform at isahit to train, source and assign data labelers to the project. Indeed our digital academy offers over 50 courses, equipping annotators with the necessary skills and knowledge for their tasks.

Additionally, our Workforce Management Platform streamlines team formation by smartly filtering individuals based on skills and availability, ensuring optimal resource allocation throughout the project lifecycle.


In summary, isahit's diverse project management method in the iToBoS project shows its dedication to progress through teamwork, communication, and technology. By working with partners from various areas and using their advanced capabilities, knowledge or advanced tools, Isahit contributes to the iToBoS project's objectives and drives significant progress in melanoma research.