The successful funding of the ITOBOS project by the EU has been presented by the press in Spain. The articles are written in Spanish.
iToBoS is presented in 2 Spanish media: The New Barcelona Post and Futuro de Europa.
The New Bsarcelona Post
With the article “Los centros de I+D de Barcelona lideran la captación de fondos europeos para salud” iToBoS project is introduced by The New Barcelona Post.
This media is an independent journalistic project, with an innovative digital format, that aspires to be the speaker of the companies, people and institutions that are committed to Barcelona and the best platform to promote economic activity, culture, creativity, science and innovation. The article is written in Spanish. The New Barcelona Post is the newspaper of the good news of Barcelona. With the non-negotiable motto of Good News, True Stories, it wants to contribute to strengthening the Barcelona brand and highlighting all the talent in the city. The project is presented as a European funding initiative in the field of development of digital diagnostic systems that help in the medical decision-making process.
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Futuro de Europa
With the article “Trece entidades españolas serán financiadas por la Comisión Europea para desarrollar proyectos de investigación sanitaria” iToBoS project is presented by Futuro de Europa in Spain.
The article points out that thirteen Spanish entities will be funded by the European Commission to develop health research projects, and iToBoS (Intelligent Total Body Scanner for Early Detection of Melanoma) is among them. This is the last year of Horizon 2020, and collaborative research in the field of health prevails. In the words of Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth."EU-funded research and innovation are an essential part of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but at the same time, we are not neglecting other issues vital to our health and well-being. The EU has a crucial role to play thanks to the scale of investments, including in key European research infrastructures, its attention to major challenges such as cancer, antimicrobial resistance and environmental impacts on health, coordination of national efforts and international collaboration".
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