The dawn of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an important tool in healthcare in recent years. AI has the ability to analyze large amounts of data and make predictions that can aid doctors in their diagnoses and treatments. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry and improve patient outcomes. 

New partner in iToBoS consortium - Canfield Scientific GMBH

From December 1st, 2022 a new partner officially joined to the iToBoS consortium: Canfield Scientific GMBH. Due the termination of Barco NV’s activities in the project on M18 (September 2022), it was necessary to include a new partner to replace it.

AI Model Anonymization

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other similar regulations set out many restrictions on the processing of per- sonal data. Similar laws and regulations are being enacted in additional states and countries around the world. Adhering to these regulations can be a complex and costly task.

Melanoma, art and AI: A New Age Approach

In today's digital age, the confluence of art, science, and technology is opening doors to innovative approaches to familiar challenges.

Mole detection using 3D scanned image patches

Skin cancer, especially melanoma, has been on the rise in recent years, and it is the leading cause of fatality among all types of skin cancers. Early detection and treatment of melanoma can be effective in remedying the disease.

Early Detection of Melanoma in Romania and beyond

Interview with Violeta Astratinei, Core member of Melanoma Patient Network Europe and Founder of Melanom Romania.

Extended release of How liquid lenses solve optical challenges in iToBoS

This videoblog presents the webinar "How liquid lenses solve optical challenges in iToBoS" in full version of about 45 minutes of duration that includes the most technical sections about optical design..

How liquid lenses solve optical challenges in iToBoS

This videoblog presents How liquid lenses solve optical challenges, in an executive version aimed at a broader audience.

New Melasome Project Uses AI-Generated Art for Therapy of Skin Cancer Patients

Hanover, Germany - Lennart Jütte, a nanotechnologist and PhD candidate at the Hanover Center for Optical Technologies (HOT) at Leibniz University Hanover, has launched an innovative project called Melasome, which combines Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and art therapy for skin cancer patients.

Release of ai-privacy-toolkit version 0.2.0

The open-source ai-privacy-toolkit is a toolkit for tools and techniques related to the privacy and compliance of AI models. We recently released version 0.2.0 of the toolkit containing new functionality around privacy risk assessment of synthetic datasets.