iToBoS project was presented at “XII Reunión Anual del Grupo Español de e-Dermatología e imagen (GEDEI)”

Madrid, 16/02/2024.

The iToBoS project was presented at “XII Reunión Anual del Grupo Español de e-Dermatología e imagen (GEDEI)”, that took place in Madrid, Spain, on February 16th, 2024.

At the GEDEI scientific meetings, the advances of greatest interest and scientific quality are presented in order to improve the diagnostic and therapeutic capacity of attending dermatologists. Among the 12th edition, the presentations that addressed developments in Teledermatology, Dermatoscopy and Confocal Microscopy, Skin Ultrasound and advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence in dermatology stood out.

In this event, Professor Malvehy was invited in a lectured, named “¿Qué hay de nuevo en dermatoscopia?” (“What's new in dermoscopy?”), where he presented the iToBoS project work.

In addition to this, Fundació Clínic per la Recerca Biomèdica, iToBoS project partner, presented a poster called “Oportunidades y desafíos en el análisis de imágenes cutáneas con IA mediante la fotografía corporal total” (“Opportunities and challenges in the analysis of skin images with AI through total body photography”), which was awarded as the best poster of the Meeting.

During the event, this iToBoS poster was also presented.

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