iToBoS project was presented in Cadena SER, a national broadcasting company. The interview is made in Catalan.
iToBoS project was presented in Cadena SER, a national broadcasting company. The interview is made in Catalan.
In the past years, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have shown exceptional results across multiple domains, including general image classification tasks, winning Atari games or even detecting skin cancer by lesion classification.
An introduction to building the blocks of the iToBoS solution: from fundamentals to camera testing. As we are designing the whole imaging system from scratch, many parameters regarding the imaging system of the total body scanner needed to be specified.
An introduction to the Leibniz University of Hannover and their approach to the iToBoS project.
As we age, our skin acquires all sorts of mysterious lumps and bumps – some might be cancers, but most are benign. Here are some of the most common types that iToBoS will be learning to distinguish from melanoma.
iToBoS representatives attended the conference, inspired under the motto “Artificial Intelligence, a new paradigm in human care”. The event was held in Catalan.
When I started to work on privacy technologies at IBM Research almost 15 years ago, virtually no-one was talking about privacy or the rights of data subjects with regard to their data. There were a few academic conferences out there focused (at least partially) on privacy, but it was a very niche domain with little interest outside of the small community working on it directly.
iToBoS este un proiect finanțat prin programul de cercetare și inovare Orizont 2020 al Uniunii Europene. Acesta are ca scop crearea unui nou instrument de diagnosticare precoce a melanomului, exploatând toate informațiile disponibile despre pacient.
The impact of the iToBoS project in Hungary continued through new publications in numerous broad-spectrum national digital newspapers and magazines.
Academic and industry researchers in security and privacy from IBM represented iToBoS and supported the symposium the European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) 2021.