Fundació Clínic per la Recerca Biomèdica

About us

Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica (FCRB) was created to manage and promote the research activities of Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (HCB), one of the best hospitals in Spain. Both institutions are very active in scientific research in biomedicine and clinical research. Likewise, FCRB has a strong track record working in European projects and has a dedicated European Projects Office (OPE) and the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office (KTT). The OPE managed 34 projects in FP5 (1 as coordinators), 55 projects in FP6 (11 as coordinators), 130 projects in FP7 (29 as coordinators) and is currently managing over sixty projects in H2020 (10 as coordinators).

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Main role in the project

Hospital Clinic of Barcelona is one of the three clinical partners in the project consortium. The team is leader in skin cancer (melanoma) diagnosis using optical devices and has been involved in 20 years of clinical research in digital dermoscopy and total body photography. They are leaders in AI in dermoscopy and collaborated with the team of the UdG in the development of different prototypes of the 3-D scanner that will be essential in the development of the new product. Hospital Clinic of Barcelona will be the leaders and co-leaders of the implementation of the scanner in the clinical centers, evaluation of the workflow, comfort, efficacy and will collaborate in the tasks involving privacy issues and artificial intelligence (annotation of database of images for training, validation and test). Comparison of the scanner in three different countries will be relevant to ensure generalization in different populations with distinct phenotypes and genotypes.

The team at the FCRB will mainly contribute with the clinical development of iToBoS pilots keeping care of safety, ethical and privacy issues, usability, integration, clinical workflow, clinical protocols, comfort and cost-efficiency. They will also collaborate in the elaboration of annotated data bases and algorithms of artificial intelligence. Finally, they will participate in the dissemination of results.