Skuteczne badania przesiewowe i wczesne wykrywanie mają kluczowe znaczenie w walce z nowotworami.
Occupant une place prépondérante dans notre société, l’informatique et le numérique sont utilisés par la quasi-totalité des secteurs, dont celui de l’intelligence artificielle. Bien que présentant de nombreux atouts, le numérique cause de lourds dégâts : pollution environnementale et problèmes sociaux. Un numérique responsable est-il possible ?
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The iToBoS project revolves around the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to analyse the images from the patient’s skin and give a comprehensive output to the doctors to help on their diagnostic.
Do you want to read more about the project in Hebrew?. In this article we present iToBoS.
iToBoS is one of the only five projects, out of more than 150 proposals, that have been selected by the European Research Council Horizon 2020 program.
iToBoS aims to detect melanoma early, but you should also take steps to prevent it entirely. Sunscreen is an important part of your prevention toolkit, but with hundreds of options on the market, how do choose one that’s right for you?
A manual examination of skin lesions with a dermatoscope is the current standard procedure and state of the art in dermatoscopy. This is a highly laborious process, often limited to a small selection of lesions which excludes registering the state of off-lesion skin regions.
The Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI) has kicked off its work on the research project IToBoS "Intelligent Total Body Scanner for Early Detection of Melanoma".