iToBoS introduced in a webinar on skin cancer by AECC


Dr. Malvehy. Director of the Skin Cancer Unit, consultant for the Dermatology Service of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and RICOH, both partners of the iToBoS project, supported the webinar led by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (Asociación Española Contra el Cancer, AECC) on skin cancer. The event was held in Spanish.

[GE] Das von der EU finanzierte Projekt iToBoS zielt darauf ab, ein ganzheitliches Diagnose- und Bewertungsinstrument für die Früherkennung von Melanomen zu schaffen


iToBoS ist ein Forschungsprojekt, das durch das Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramm Horizon 2020 der Europäischen Union finanziert wird. Ziel ist es, ein neues Diagnoseinstrument für die Früherkennung von Melanomen zu entwickeln, das alle verfügbaren Informationen des Patienten nutzt.

D12.1 Communication, Dissemination, Outreach and Engagement Plan (1st version)


The deliverable “D12.1 Communication, Dissemination, Outreach and Engagement Plan (1st version)” has been successfully submitted. This document is the first release of the Communication, Dissemination, Outreach and Engagement Plan, belonging to the Work Package 12 (Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Activities) of the iToBoS project.

Deliverable "D3.1 Operational requirements for the total body skin scanner" submitted


The deliverable “D3.1. Operational requirements for the total body skin scanner” has been successfully submitted. 

Deliverable “D1.1 Online Project collaboration space and communication instruments” submitted


Deliverable D1.1 “Online Project collaboration space and communication instruments” has the aim of providing a collection of software services and resources deployed and/or configured to serve the project collaboration and communication needs.

[GE] Fraunhofer HHI startet Arbeit an EU-Forschungsprojekt IToBoS


Das Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) hat die Arbeit am Forschungsprojekt IToBoS „Intelligent Total Body Scanner for Early Detection of Melanoma“ aufgenommen.

iToBoS presented in Clinical Trials portal


The (overarching) iToBoS Project involves 18 research partners spanning the European Union (including UK and Israel), and 1 Australian partner. The overall aim is to develop an AI assisted diagnostic platform for the early detection of melanoma.

[ES] Los retos y la propuesta del proyecto iToBoS


El proyecto iToBoS financiado por la UE tiene como objetivo crear una herramienta de diagnóstico y evaluación integral para la detección temprana del melanoma.

[IT] Intelligenza artificiale per la diagnosi precoce del melanoma cutaneo


iToBoS project has been presented in Italy through some Italian digital newspapers. Il Fruili and Geos News published an article written in Italian, and Azienda sanitaria universitaria Giuliano Isontina, in English.

iToBoS website


A dedicated portal for iToBoS is a key channel to promote the knowledge of the project, facilitating the dissemination, communication and engagement activities.