Regulation of AI in the EU


Society has been adapting to increasingly complex technological inventions for decades, from computers, the Internet, and smartphones to today's artificial intelligence (AI).

iToBoS in the Report on workshops - landscaping data driven projects and initiatives in the cancer field


In autumn 2023 the European Commission (DG CNECT in collaboration with DG RTD, DG SANTE and other services and Executive Agencies) organised three online workshops on the re-use of health data resources in the field of cancer research.

iToBoS at the World Conference on Explainable Artificial Intelligence


The World Conference on Explainable Artificial Intelligence is an annual conference that brings together scientists, academics, and professionals.

Stakeholder workshop on the social and ethical impacts of xAI in healthcare


iToBoS partners hosted a workshop on the social and ethical impacts of explainable artificial intelligence (xAI) in healthcare, where they discussed and debated a number of issues that strike at the heart of the iToBoS project: privacy, data protection, explainability, clinical efficacy, and ethics.

Ethical AI - Perspectives from Patient Advocates: Ethics and Emerging Technology – Group 4


This is the final blog in a series of 5 which discusses the results of the Ethical AI workshop at MPNE Consensus Data 2024.

More about the EADV Dermoscopy Course 2024


Dr. Josep Malvehy, from the Dermatology Department at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, delivered an extensive presentation on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in dermatology at the conference held in Thessaloniki in 2024.

iToBoS at EADV Dermoscopy Course


On July 1, 2024, at the EADV Dermoscopy Course in Thessaloniki, Greece, J. Malvehy gave a presentation titled "Digital follow-Up."

Ethical AI - Perspectives from Patient Advocates: Ethics and Emerging Technology - Group 3


This is the fourth blog, in a series of five, discussing the results of the Ethical AI workshop at MPNE Consensus Data 2024.

Perspectives from Patient Advocates: Ethics and Emerging Technology - Group 2 (Part 2)


Continuing from the previous blog (Ethical AI – Perspectives from Patient Advocates: Ethics and Emerging Technology – Group 2 (Part 1)), this blog focuses on the remaining results from Group 2. These results include discussions on explainability, trust and transparency.

iToBoS at the IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR)


The IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR) is among the most prestigious annual conferences for computer vision with more than 10.000 attendees and several co-located workshops.