On May 24, 2024, at the AEDV Congress in Madrid, Spain, Dr. J. Malvehy gave the presentation titled "Artificial intelligence: Innovations with impact on daily life in Dermatology. Cancer and ChatGPT".
On May 24, 2024, at the AEDV Congress in Madrid, Spain, Dr. J. Malvehy gave the presentation titled "Artificial intelligence: Innovations with impact on daily life in Dermatology. Cancer and ChatGPT".
On May 23, 2024, at the AEDV Congress in Madrid, Spain, Dr. J. Malvehy, presented a conference titled "Update on melanoma: Present and future."
Every May 23, society comes together on World Melanoma Day, a date that seeks to raise awareness and promote concrete actions to combat this disease.
The use of 8 dermoscopic modules allowed to explore the scanning of the full-patient body, acquired with the highest resolution requiring a short acquisition time.
The iToBoS project was presented at the 16th Optatec from 14 - 16 of May 2024 in Frankfurt, Germany.
iToBoS is presented as a project for the creation of a diagnostic platform to help with the early detection of melanoma.
iToBoS representatives attended the event “Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems”, organized by Centre of Innovation for Data tech and Artificial Intelligence (CIDAI) online on May 8th, 2024.
Recent 3D registration methods are mostly learning-based that either find correspondences in feature space and match them, or directly estimate the registration transformation from the given point cloud features.
Dr. Josep Malvehy, from the Dermatology Department at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, delivered a comprehensive lecture on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in dermoscopy during the Curso de Dermatoscopia held in Barcelona.
Initially, the system was engineered so that the first step is to map the patient in 3D from a collection of images acquired by the two cameras of the first group (Lucid Helios2+ and Lucid Triton).