El Projecte iToBoS finançat per la UE té com a objectiu crear una eina de diagnòstic i avaluació integral per a la detecció precoç del melanoma.
iToBoS is a research project funded by European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme; with an aim to build a new diagnostic tool for the early detection of melanoma, exploiting all the available information of the patient.
iToBoS project is introduced in Lo Campus Diari. The article presents health research projects coordinated by Catalan entities funded by the European Union, including iToBoS in the search for early detection of melanoma. The article is written in Catalan.
The successful funding of the ITOBOS project by the EU has been presented by the press in Spain. The articles are written in Spanish.
iToBoS is a research project funded by European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme; with an aim to build a new diagnostic tool for the early detection of melanoma, exploiting all the available information of the patient.