"Meet iToBoS" workshop series: EU projects for patients organisations

Online, 27/09/2023.

iToBoS is MPNEurope's third European project. Listen to iToBoS partners Violeta Astratinei and Bettina Ryll what they have learned from participating in these projects- and what they wished they had known when they started!

"Meet iToBoS" workshop series: the scanner prototype

Online, 26/09/2023.

Next in our meet iToBoS (Intelligent Total Body Scanner for Early Detection of Melanoma) series: building the machine!

iToBoS at 20th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing

Orleans, 20-23/09/2023.

iToBoS project was presented in the 20th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), that took place in Orleans, France, from September 20 to September 23, 2023.

iToBoS project, flagship at Bosch Innovation Day

Madrid, 22/09/2023.

The iToBoS project was presented at the Bosch Innovation Day.

"Meet iToBoS" workshop series: Liquid Lenses

Online, 15/09/2023.

it is time to meet our iToBoS (Intelligent Total Body Scanner for Early Detection of Melanoma) colleague Xavi Palou- that is from data anonymisation and impact assessment to clinical trial design to Liquid Lenses!.

"Meet iToBoS" workshop series: Clinical Trials

Online, 15/09/2023.

Meet our colleague Clare Primiero from the University of Queensland in Australia.

"Meet iToBoS" workshop series: Impact assessment of patient involvement in research

Online, 14/09/2023.

Next in our series meet iToBoS is our MPNEurope colleague Gilliosa Spurrier-Bernard.

"Meet iToBoS" workshop series: Data Anonymisation

Online, 14/09/2023.

In the coming days, you got the opportunity to meet our fantastic iToBoS consortium colleagues who will share some of their expertise- and we have selected a range of diverse topics that are both relevant for the project as well as outside!

iToBoS project presented in the Latino-americano Dermoscopy Congress

Santiago de Chile, 7-9/09/2023. 

iToBoS was discussed in two presentations at the Latino-americano Dermoscopy Congress held at Santiago, Chile in September, 2023. 

iToBoS project at 2023 Alan Cooper Epiderm Lecture

Brisbane, 25/08/2023.

The University of Queensland’s Dermatology Research Centre hosted the 2023 Alan Cooper Epiderm Lecture on 25th August with a presentation by iToBoS collaborator Professor Peter Soyer.